
Tales from the Trail: Meet Greg Kormos

You meet the most interesting people along the Indianapolis Cultural Trail. Here’s one now: Greg Kormos, our premier ambassador for the “Everybody Rides” program and long-time Lockerbie resident.

Greg Kormos rides the Pacers Bikeshare bikes as his main transportation around the city. He said that the exercise is a bonus.

How does the Indianapolis Cultural Trail connect you to the city?

I’m enjoying the neighborhoods more…you can see and hear things on a bike that you can’t in a vehicle.

What is your favorite spot downtown and/or along the Trail?

Probably the summer Farmer’s Market.

How do you use Pacers Bikeshare?

I use it for almost every trip I take downtown…bakery, grocery, retail shops, the Eiteljorg Museum and occasional Indians game. The exercise is a welcome bonus.

Greg shares his experience with bikeshare at the Everybody Rides celebration.

You are an amazing ambassador for the “Everybody Rides” program. What would you like others to know if they are thinking about it?

Try it once, you’ll like it…then the annual membership is the way to go. At first, you’ll feel obligated to ‘get your money’s worth’, but then it becomes just a good habit. I find myself making excuses to ride everywhere.

The Everybody Rides program ensures everyone in the downtown Indianapolis community, regardless of income level, has access to the quick and easy transportation offered by Indiana Pacers Bikeshare. EveryBody Rides allows IHA residents in the downtown area to receive a discounted price of $10 for an annual membership (regularly $80).