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Pacers Bikeshare Celebrates 2 years

On April 22nd, 2016, Indianapolis Cultural Trail, Inc. celebrated the second anniversary of the Pacers Bikeshare program and announced the ridership numbers for the second year of operation. Year two milestones include 117,319 trips on the gold bikes which equate to 243,782 miles, or almost 9 times around the globe. Pacers Bikeshare trips increased from year one by almost 10,000 bike rides.

Annual Members were responsible for nearly 50% of all of the rides in the second year. Collectively, all of the bikeshare trips in year two resulted in riders burning almost 10 million calories and taking more than 230,000 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Pacers Bikeshare continues to receive significant corporate support. In it’s second year, the program partnered with OneAmerica to install it’s 27th bikeshare station outside of the OneAmerica Tower.

“Pacer Bikeshare has experienced exceptional growth is our second year” said Indianapolis Cultural Trail, Inc. Executive Director, Kären Haley. “Residents and visitors continue to embrace our gold bikeshare bikes and are truly making an impact on both the Indianapolis community and their personal well being.”

Recent technology upgrades to Pacers Bikeshare make bikeshare even more convenient, enabling riders to check out a bike with a one time code texted to their mobile phones.

Later this spring, Pacers Bikeshare will add a new station on the Eskenazi Health campus, making it the 28th station in the system.

Indiana Pacers Bikeshare – Year 2 By the Numbers:
27 Stations
250 Bikes
1,271 Annual Members
28,393 Day Passes
117,319 Total Trips

9,673,027 calories burned – Roughly the equivalent of eating 49,605 donuts
243,782 miles ridden – 9.8 times around the earth
230,738 pounds of carbon reduced – Equivalent of taking 28 cars off the road this year (or roughly the distance to the moon)