
Extended Trip Time for Election Day


Pacers Bikeshare is extending time to 60 minutes for all trips taken on Election Day, November 6, 2018, making it easier and more accessible for individuals to use bike share to visit the polls and cast their vote. 

“We are making 60 minute trips available at no extra cost so that people can use Pacers Bikeshare to get to their polling locations in and near downtown,” said Executive Director, Kären Haley, “We know many of our annual pass holders live and work downtown and the extended time should allow them to bike to the polls and then continue on their day.” 

Everyone is eligible for the sixty minute ride time. Anyone wanting to take advantage of the free extra ride time on election day can do so by checking out a bike at any of the 29 stations located on, or near, the Indianapolis Cultural Trail.  A credit card must still be used to purchase the $8 day pass and usage fees for trips over 60 minutes will still apply. You can also download the BCycle App for seamless sign-up and check-out.

For more information on the Pacers Bikeshare, please visit www.pacersbikeshare.org and follow @PacersBikeshare on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Pacers Bikeshare is a program of Indianapolis Cultural Trail, Inc.