Learn more about one of our Operations Technicians, Ian Duvall! He is responsible for bike share customer service, balancing the number of bikes at stations, and maintaining the bikes.
Favorite Food: The Sheltonator from Three Carrots Fountain Square
Favorite Hobby: Most things music creation, collection, and appreciation.
Favorite Movie: V for Vendetta
Favorite Book: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Favorite TV Show: Parks and Recreation
Fun Fact: I’ve been on 3 tours as a bass player in a band. We weren’t very good and we didn’t make money, but it was a lot of fun.
What you Love about the Cultural Trail and Pacers Bikeshare: Compassionate people providing a useful service.
What you Love about your Job: Being a part of a good team is never a bad thing.
Give Ian a wave next time you see him in our van!