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Meet the Team: Jill, Volunteer Coordinator

Our volunteer program has grown exponentially over the years and we are thrilled to introduce our first Volunteer Coordinator – Jill Pierce! We’re excited about the experience and perspective that Jill brings to the Indy Cultural Trail team. We can’t wait for you to meet her. Until then here are her thoughts on volunteerism:


My professional background has all been spent working in different non-profit organizations. I found a home in non-profit and really enjoy working towards a mission that I could be proud of.

Why is volunteering important to you?

I have a personal belief that volunteers probably run the world. I think that a lot of the work people assume is being done by paid hands often gets done by volunteers.

Why is volunteering important to the Cultural Trail?

I have seen in just the short time that I’ve been here that many hands make light work. It’s really incredible to see how people can pitch in to make the Trail a great place to be for their community, just by spending a short morning with us.

Are you looking to get involved with the Cultural Trail? Check out our volunteer opportunities here!