
Come on and 'Take a Free Ride'

A Pacers Bikeshare program in partnership with Knozone

The Indianapolis Cultural Trail in partnership with the City of Indianapolis, Office of Sustainability are offering 100 FREE Pacers Bikeshare annual passes.

You ride for 1 year. We study your bike riding data for 6 months to get more people on bikes!

I’m Interested!

How it works!

Add your name to the list and answer some questions

Pacers Bikeshare team randomly selects from list

Attend an orientation, answer surveys, and ride for free!

Why is this happening?

We want to better understand why or why not people ride bikes, and hopefully change behavior while introducing people to a fun, active form of transportation.

Indianapolis Cultural Trail Inc. and City of Indianapolis, Office of Sustainability are partnering to better understand bike share riding patterns and to see what happens when the barrier of payment is removed.

I'm excited! What do I do next?

Complete the interest form by May 12, 2023 at 11:59pm EST.

The Pacers Bikeshare team will randomly select participants and notify them the week of May 15, 2023.

After attending an orientation, you will have your annual pass to start riding!

If chosen, what do I do next?

Confirm your interest an attend an orientation.

Please note that you will have to provide an electronic form of payment and agree to Pacers Bikeshare terms and conditions. 

Get your free year annual pass and start riding!

Ride weekly.

Answer regular surveys about your experience.

What is the timeline?

April 26: Program kicks off and registration opens

May 12: Registration closes at 11:59pm EST

May 15-18: Participant notification

May: Program orientations take place

*Monthly* required surveys during program

Fall 2023: Study ends, enjoy your free annual pass through May 2024

How much do I have to ride?

This study relies on you to ride often. We want to gather a lot of data and get your answers on regular surveys.

Expect to ride as much as you can year-round.

We hope participants will integrate bike share into their weekly transportation and recreation routine.

Tell me more about the Pacers Bikeshare system!

Pacers Bikeshare has 50 stations and hundreds of bikes throughout Indianapolis.

Most stations are along the Indianapolis Cultural Trail: A Legacy of Gene and Marilyn Glick and the Monon Trail.

See the full station map and locate the ones closest to you here!