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Real Trail Talk – Libby Simmons



Who are you? Libby Simmons, PR Specialist at Pivot Marketing in Fletcher Place and homeowner in downtown Indy.

How do you use the Trail? I use the trail every day! Whether its walking to Mass Ave to meet friends or my Sunday bike ride around the city, I use it in some way every day.

How is your life different having the Cultural Trail downtown? The trail makes it safer for everyone. The sidewalks are clearly marked and it’s easy to follow and explore downtown. I worry less about accidents because of the separate bike and pedestrian lanes and the pavement makes for a smooth ride when I’m on my bike.

Any good stories to share from your time on the Cultural Trail? Share something you’ve seen or experienced that maybe you were or weren’t expecting. For me, the best part of the Cultural Trail is that I see something new every time I use it, either on my bike or on foot. Families out for a walk, happy dogs on their way to get a pup cup at Starbucks, little kids learning to ride a bike for the first time….the experiences are endless.

There’s always something going on. Last weekend I rode through a LGBTQ celebration in front of Tini’s. People were dancing in the streets, Michael Jackson was playing, and I even heard a ‘Hey, nice bike’ as I rode by.

I’ve had a few experiences sitting on along the Cultural Trail and out of town visitors have asked me how to get to attractions located around the city and I’ve recommended they try Pacers Bikeshare. They’re usually amazed by how easy it is and how much they can see within an 8-10 mile loop.

— This is the first in a new series we’re calling Real Trail Talk. We’re looking for your stories, big and small, on how the Cultural Trail has changed life for you in downtown Indianapolis. Interested in participating? Contact Sarah, Stay tuned for more stories every Tuesday and Thursday this summer.